A space unexpectedly came up to ride this event for TOFS, and nobody else offered to fill it, so here I am!
I was born with Oesophageal Atresia and Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula (OA/TOF) in 1966 and operated on at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London.
I have always enjoyed cycling, however for the last few years I have been busy with other things and my seven (is it seven? it could be eight!) bikes have simply been gathering dust, some of my favourite ones sitting in my hallway to remind me how neglected they are. Here's my chance to get back into it! A friend did the RideLondon event a few years ago and greatly enjoyed it.
I live in Suffolk and hopefully London/Essex won't be too horrendously hilly in comparison!
I have committed to raise £500 for TOFS, so that'\s what I've set as my target, but obviously I'd love to raise more! Thank you for your donation.
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