We are raising funds to continue and develop our Covid information project in 2025 and beyond.
BuDS is now the only organisation helping disabled and clinically vulnerable people understand the changing risk from Covid-19. BuDS has an expert team in place so that we can analyse the right data and find the most authoritative research. We have published 200 detailed weekly risk assessments and over 100 informative articles since the beginning of the pandemic. People trust BuDS to tell the truth about Covid.
"Thank you so much for keeping us updated - the information you provide is invaluable..." - Fiona
"Thank you for this informed post... What an amazing organisation you are" - Zoe
"I really appreciate that you do these posts - thank you" - Davy
"Wonderful service [that is] serving the whole country with their well-written and informative updates on Covid" - Sam
Since 2022, our Covid work has not been externally funded, and has been supported from charity general funds. As it is almost impossible to obtain grant funding for this vital work, we are turning to members of the public to help cover our essential costs.
Image descriptions:
- The blue and gold BuDS 'Covid Careful' logo, featuring a masked face.
- A large group of masked BuDS volunteers at an outdoor event in 2022
- A small group of masked BuDS volunteers beside a BuDS information point
- The original 'risk measurement' logo used on early BuDS Covid risk assessment posts in 2020
- A close-up of a blue FFP2 respirator mask branded with the BuDS logo, that we issue to all staff and volunteers
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