Saturday May 7th 10.00am – 1.00pm. (doors open 9.30am) United Reformed Church, 1, Edwards Lane, Sherwood NG5 3AA
Celebrating the International day of the Midwife!
Join a bunch of awesome instructors for a sponsored dance party with heart! Get sponsored to dance! (No dance experience necessary!)
Cake stall and raffle on the day. Tickets £10 per person For booking and more information:
PLUS Liberian Arts and Crafts Stall
All proceeds go to the Helen Loewenstein Memorial Trust. Members of the HLMT team will be there to tell you about their work
This Trust has been set up in memory of Helen Loewenstein, a remarkable midwife and someone who touched the lives of so many, both in the UK and Liberia. We make grants to cover course-fees and essential study expenses for student midwives in Liberia who would not otherwise have sufficient funds to become qualified midwives.
£10 per ticket. All proceeds go to the Trust.
Optionally, you can save your purchase to your account by Signing in.
If you don’t have an account, you can Sign up to create one.