Can you help us replace our cattery for our long term and permanent cats? We have had to close off an area completely and move the older cats who lived inside to new accommodation as it has become unsafe.
The Cat Shed is home to 10 cats at present along with one rooster. Betty, Bernie, Bonnie, Beckie, Babs and Brooke live in one area, with Minnie, Tina and Heidi living in the second area along with Romeo.
It's served us very well in it's lifetime and been fixed up and painted many times over the years but it's beyond fixing now so we are looking to replace it, we aren't quite sure with what at this point in time. Whether to go like for like, or if we can extend it or try and replace it with something that doesn't require as much upkeep.
Whatever we can raise through this raffle will go towards replacing the cattery, affectionately known as the Cat Shed.
A very kind supporter got in touch to say that they had two tickets for Garth Brook in Dublin on Fri 16 Sep 2022. They wouldn't be able to make the show themselves so hoped we could make use as part of a fundraiser. So we are raffling the tickets off. The tickets are worth €176.30 so we hope to raise at least that to go towards our paddock resurface.
So you can help a good cause with the chance to win an amazing prize!
Also up for grabs is a brand new Horse grooming kit - donated by a supporter, among some other brilliant prizes!
We will update the list of prizes ASAP! We are just in process of confirming the details of each. In total there are 5 prizes up for grabs. More may be added - if you would like to contribute a raffle prize please get in touch at
Purchase your tickets here or you can contact the sanctuary and pay via bank transfer, cheque, or cash.
Optionally, you can save your purchase to your account by Signing in.
If you don’t have an account, you can Sign up to create one.