Alba Cathay Chinese School is a non-profit registered charity(SC040169) organization that provides people, both children(from 5 to 16) and adults whoever is keen on Chinese culture, an opportunity to learn the Chinese language as well as Chinese culture.
The School is a community school that is administrated by volunteers who are mostly students' parents. Donations and the membership fee are essential to keep the school open and provide high-quality teaching for our students.
华夏中文学校是一个非营利性注册慈善机构(SC040169), 成立于1994年。学校的主要目标是为人们(包括5至16岁)和热衷于中国文化的成年人提供学习汉语和中国文化的机会。经过几年的学习,我们的学生能够阅读,说和写中文达到SQA高级水平。
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