
Alba Cathay Chinese School is a non-profit registered charity(SC040169) organization that provides people, both children(from 5 to 16) and adults whoever is keen on Chinese culture, an opportunity to learn the Chinese language as well as Chinese culture.

The School is a community school that is administrated by volunteers who are mostly students' parents. Donations and the membership fee are essential to keep the school open and provide high-quality teaching for our students.

华夏中文学校是一个非营利性注册慈善机构(SC040169), 成立于1994年。学校的主要目标是为人们(包括5至16岁)和热衷于中国文化的成年人提供学习汉语和中国文化的机会。经过几年的学习,我们的学生能够阅读,说和写中文达到SQA高级水平。




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Updated on Sat, June 1 2024, 10:28 PM

membership page is now up and running. 

Updated on Sun, July 17 2022, 1:53 PM


Alba Cathay Chinese School

The Alba Cathay Chinese School is a non-profit registered charity(SC040169) organization which is partially funded by Edinburgh City Council. The school was founded in 1994. The main objective of the School is to provide people, both children(from 5 to 16) and adults whoever is keen at Chinese culture, an opportunity to learn Chinese language as well as Chinese culture. After some years of learning, our pupils are able to read, speak and write Chinese up to SQA Advanced Higher level.


M6: Activity Class only membership 兴趣班 £90.00

Membership cost for an activity class: £90.00


M2: Chinese Class 1 - 10 only 普通汉语班(C1到C10) £180.00

Membership for Chinese Class 1 to Chinese Class 10 only: £170.00 (including £10.00 early bird discount if paid before 31/08/2024)

此费用适用于只参加普通汉语班(C1到C10)的学生,170英镑 (包含£10英镑的优惠,截止31/08/2024)。

M5: Exam Class Only 考试班 (N5, Higher, Adv. Higher) £215.00

考试班(包括N5,Higher和Advanced Higher):205 英镑

Membership for Exam class (including National 5 class, Higher and Advanced Higher class): £205.00. 

M4: Happy Chinese Class only 快乐汉语班 £220.00

This membership is for a student to attend the Happy Chinese class

-  Happy Chinese class (£210.00) 

适用于只参加快乐汉语班的学生:费用 £210.00.

M1: Chinese Class 1 - 10 + Activity Class 普通汉语班 + 兴趣班 £270.00

Membership for the normal Chinese class (from Class 1 to Class 10) and an activity class.  

The total cost is £260.00:

  1. which includes £170.00 for the Chinese class  (Class 1 to Class 10)
  2. £90.00 for an activity class


M7: Exam Class + Activity Class 考试班 (N5, Higher, Adv. Higher) + 兴趣班 £305.00

考试班(包括N5,Higher和Advanced Higher)+ 兴趣班 :295 英镑

Membership for Exam class (including National 5 class, Higher and Advanced Higher class) + Activity Class: £295.00. 

M3: Happy Chinese Class + Activity Class 快乐汉语+兴趣班 £310.00

This membership is for a student to attend the Happy Chinese class and one activity class. 

-  Happy Chinese class (£210.00) and

-  One Activity class (£90.00),

Total: £300.00   


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