
Rhys Tom or ‘Twm’ was my nephew. He was going to run the London Marathon to raise money for Ty Hafan Children’s Hospice in memory of a childhood friend. He died just before his big day.

To keep Twm’s promise to Ty Hafan, I’m going to walk the 764kms of the Camino Frances to Santiago de Compostela in Spain.

I’ll also be raising awareness that at 20.1 per 100,000 people, Ceredigion has the highest suicide rate in the UK(10.1). The Jac Lewis Foundation is a charity that provides support for families bereaved by suicide. 

Please watch the video below for the full story. It’s in English and Welsh. so make sure the subtitles are turned on by clicking the ‘Subtitle’ button at the bottom of the screen.

Thank you for your time and gifts.
‘Roedd Rhys Tom, ne ‘Twm’ yn nai i mi. Ei fwriad o’dd rhedeg Marathon Llundain i godi arian i Hospis Blant Dy Hafan er cof am gyfaill plentyndod. Bu farw Twm jest cyn ei ddiwrnod mawr.

I gadw addewid Twm i Dy Hafan, ‘rwyn mynd i gerdded y Camino Frances i Santiago de Compostela yn Sbaen - 764 kms.

Ceredigion sydd a’r radd uchaf o hunan-laddiad - 20.1 i bob 100,000 o bobl, yn y DU(10.1). Mae Sefydliad Jac Lewis yn elusen sy’n cynnig cymorth i deuluoedd yn eu colled.

Plis, gwyliwch y fideo i ga’l y stori i gyd. Mae yn Gymraeg a Saesneg, gwnewch yn siwr fod yr is-deitlau ymlaen drwy wasgu y botwm ‘Subtitles’ ar waelod y scrin.

Diolch am eich amser a’ch rhoddion.


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Updated on Thu, November 16 2023, 9:34 AM

Y Tattw! The Tattoo!

Updated on Mon, September 25 2023, 9:49 AM

 The walking is done, I'm in Santiago, the tattoo is on the army, and over £11,000 in the banks of Ty Hafan and the Jac Lewis Foundation. Even though the walking is over  this donation page will remain open for any donation until the 10th. October. All that remains now is:


Updated on Mon, September 25 2023, 9:45 AM

Ma'r cerdded drosodd, Santiago wedi ei gyrraedd, y tattw ar y fraich, a dros £11,000 ym manc Ty Hafan a'r Jac Lewis Foundation. Er fod y cerdded drosodd, fe fydd y dudalen yma ar agor ar gyfer unrhyw gyfraniadau tan y 10ed o Hydref. Yr unig beth sy' a'r ôl yw:


Updated on Mon, September 25 2023, 9:38 AM

Alla i ddim credu hyn, wedi torri y targed o £10,000!!

I can't believe this, we've smashed £10,000!!!

Diolch. Thank you. O waelod ❤️

From the halfway stage on the Camino at Sahagun


Updated on Tue, September 5 2023, 9:29 PM

Eistedd mewn becws yn Fromista yn disgwyl i'r dilyw orffen a dechre cerdded. Wedi cyrraedd 98% o'r targed newydd! DIOLCH O GALON I CHI GYD! XXX

Sitting in a bakery in Fromista waiting for the deluge to end. We've reached 98% of the revised target! THANK YOU ALL FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART! XXX

Updated on Mon, September 4 2023, 8:12 AM

Erbyn hyn mae'r cyfanswm dros             £8,200!!!!!

Diolch o galon I chi gyd!

Updated on Thu, August 24 2023, 10:40 AM

By now the total is well over                          £8,200!!!!

Thank you all so much!

Updated on Thu, August 24 2023, 10:36 AM

 Dechre cerdded gyda'r wawr fori o St. Jean Pied de Port i fynny y Pyrenees I Orisson. Prynnu pethe munud olaf fel 'sun bloc', a cofio pam 'dwi ma. Start walking dawn tomorrow from St Jean Pied de Port up the Pryrenees to Orisson. Getting last minute things like sun block and remembering why I'm here.   

Updated on Wed, August 16 2023, 2:08 PM

I really don't know what to say, except a million thanks to you all. We've smashed the target!

What I was told today, is that Ty Hafan desperately need to refurbish their hydrotherapy pool which is so central to their caring work with the children. They need far more than £5,000 for this. It would be wonderful if we could make a much bigger dent in the refurb cost. Let's make the target..£10,000!

Sa'in gwbod beth i weud heb law, miliwn o ddiolch i chi gyd! Ni wedi cyrraedd y nod!

Glywes i heddi fod pwll hydrotherapi Ty Hafan ise ca'l 'i ailwampio. Ma' hwn mor angenrheidiol i'w gwaith gofal gyda'r plant. Ma' ise lawer mwy na £5,000. Mi fydde'n wych tase'n ni'n gallu neud twll mawr yng nghoste'r ailwampiad! Beth am godi'r nod i...£10,000!

Updated on Wed, August 2 2023, 4:15 AM

Diolch yn fawr i BAWB am fod mor hael! 'Run ni bron a chyrraedd y targed!!

Huge thanks to EVERYONE for their generosity. We've almost reached our target!!

Updated on Fri, July 21 2023, 7:09 PM

Heddi fydde penblwydd Rhys Tom a'i Ddatcu.

Caru chi a gweld eich eisie yn fawr.

Today would have been Rhys Tom and his Grandfather's birthday.

Love you , and missing you.

Updated on Tue, July 11 2023, 10:06 AM


Ty Hafan

Ty Hafan is one of the UK's leading paediatric palliative care charities and offers care to children and support for their families, throughout Wales. If you think this means we simply provide a place where children can come to die, you couldn't be further from the truth. We offer comfort, care and support to life-limited children, young people and their families in the hospice, in the community and in their home so they can make the most of the time they have left together. We allow parents and carers to relax and recharge their batteries. And we make sure the needs of brothers and sisters are never forgotten.

Jac Lewis Foundation

The Ammanford community was rocked by the sudden death of Jac and through that grief came a determination on to try and prevent as much as possible losing another member of the community through suicide.

The community drive and passion allowed the foundation on to become a reality.

Set up to provide easy access to free professional counselling at the heart of the community for any age and any issue. Local builders and businesses came together to build the ‘Wellbeing Centre’ which is located on Ammanford Football Pitch with no cost to the foundation. It was so humbling to see so many give up their time to ensure that the dream of the foundation on and the ability to help others was achieved. The drive and commitment of the local Ammanford community supported by Ammanford Football Club continues to be outstanding and has enabled the foundation on to grow into a service that is now providing counselling and support throughout Wales to children and adults that otherwise would be unable to access counselling and support.

Thank you to all that support us to continue this very valuable work.


£11,873.90 raised of £10,000.00 target by 289 supporters

£9,967.32 donated plus £1,906.58 in GiftAid . £20.00 raised offline


From 3rd July 2023. Until 15th November 2023.


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