
Please help is in our urgent appeal to support asylum seekers in Hackney who are at risk of homelessness and destitution due to a cruel gap in support systems. Asylum seekers who receive their refugee decision letter from the Home Office are often left stranded without accommodation, as they are swiftly evicted from their asylum housing before they can access vital financial assistance through Universal Credit.

Imagine being forced out of your home, having just received the news that you can stay in the country you sought refuge in, only to find yourself with nowhere to go and no means to support yourself. This is the reality faced by many vulnerable individuals and families in our communities.

To address this critical issue, we are launching a fundraising campaign to provide emergency shelter in hostels for asylum seekers during this precarious transition period. With your generous support, we can offer a safe haven for those who would otherwise be left on the streets, vulnerable to exploitation and further harm.

Here's how your donation can make a difference:

Safe Accommodation: Your contribution will help cover the costs of hostel accommodation, providing a temporary roof over the heads of asylum seekers as they await the processing of their Universal Credit applications and seek more permanent housing solutions.

Empowerment and Stability: By providing a stable environment during this transitional period, we empower asylum seekers to rebuild their lives with dignity and hope. Your support can make a tangible difference in helping individuals and families navigate this challenging phase and move forward towards a brighter future.

No one should be left homeless and destitute simply because bureaucratic systems fail to provide adequate support. Together, we can make a meaningful impact and extend a lifeline to those in desperate need.

Please consider making a donation today to help us provide shelter and support for asylum seekers facing eviction and uncertainty. Every contribution, no matter how small, brings us one step closer to ensuring that everyone has a safe place to call home.

Thank you for your compassion and generosity. 

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Care4Calais is a volunteer-run charity delivering essential aid and support to refugees living in the UK, Northern France, and Belgium. We believe in a fair and tolerant British society and advocate for a welcoming and inclusive attitude towards refugees. Operating year round from Calais, our focus is to provide warm clothing, bedding, food and medical assistance to people in desperate need. We also provide social support and interaction, including language lessons and sports and music workshops. We are on the ground with the refugees every single day and are respectful of their common humanity and responsive to their needs.


£785.50 raised of £2,000.00 target

£703.00 donated plus £82.50 in GiftAid

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From 13th February 2024. Until 13th February 2025.


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