
Yr haf hwn, bydd 12 aelod o Wasanaeth Tân ac Achub Canolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru yn cymryd rhan yn Yr Her Fawr!

Bydd y tîm yn gwneud yr her LEJOG enwog, gan feicio o Land’s End yng Nghernyw, y man mwyaf de-orllewinol ym Mhrydain, i John O’Groats yng ngogledd yr Alban. Dyma rai aelodau o’r tîm gyda’n Prif Swyddog Tân, Roger Thomas.

Mae’r Her Fawr yn cynnwys beicio bron i 1,000 o filltiroedd mewn 10 diwrnod, trwy dair gwlad a dringo 54,000 troedfedd syfrdanol.

Nod yr her gorfforol enfawr hwn yw codi gymaint o arian â phosib ar gyfer tair elusen sy’n agos at galonnau aelodau’r tîm, sef:

• The Fire Fighters Charity (charity number 1093387)

• Cerebral Palsy Cymru (charity number 1010183)

• 2wish (charity number 1168140).

Mae’r Her Fawr yn dechrau ar ddydd Llun, Mehefin 5ed, gallwch gael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf y tîm yn ogystal â danfon eich cefnogaeth atynt drwy ddilyn eu tudalen gallwch gael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am gynnydd y tîm ac anfon eich cefnogaeth atynt drwy ddilyn eu tudalen Yr Her Fawr / The Big Challenge

This summer, 12 members of Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service will be taking on The Big Challenge!

Putting a Welsh spin on the well-known LEJOG challenge, the team will be cycling from Land’s End in Cornwall, the most South-Westerly point in Britain, to John O’Groats in Northern Scotland. Here are some of the team, along with our Chief Fire Officer, Roger Thomas.

The Big Challenge involves cycling almost 1,000 miles in 10 days, through three countries and climbing a staggering 54,000 feet.

This impressive physical challenge is all to raise as much money as possible for three charities close to the team members’ hearts:

• The Fire Fighters Charity (charity number 1093387)

• Cerebral Palsy Cymru (charity number 1010183)

• 2wish (charity number 1168140).

The Big Challenge starts on Monday, June 5th, you can keep up-to-date with the team’s progress and send them your support by following their Yr Her Fawr / The Big Challenge

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Cerebral Palsy Cymru

We are a national centre of excellence for families in Wales with children who have cerebral palsy. Our specialist team of physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech and language therapists work together to offer transdisciplinary skills, so each child, benefits from their combined expertise. Our family support service offers a listening ear, advice and support. We share our knowledge and skills through collaborative working, courses, national and international conferences.


When a family loses a child or young adult the effects are devastating for all who knew and loved them. It is important that support is available if and when required.

It is important families know that they are not alone and that the feelings they are experiencing are often normal. It is important that there is communication between the family, hospital staff and members of the police force so families understand what is going to happen in the days and weeks following their loss.

2wish supports anyone affected by the sudden and unexpected death of a child or young person aged 25 and under.

The Fire Fighters Charity

The Fire Fighters Charity offers specialist, lifelong support for members of the UK fire services community, empowering individuals to achieve mental, physical and social wellbeing throughout their lives.


£15,435.32 raised of £10,000.00 target by 252 supporters

£14,213.60 donated plus £1,221.72 in GiftAid . £7,972.71 raised offline


From 1st August 2023. Until 1st August 2023.


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