MISSION ACCOMPLISHED: 104 miles walked in April for The Cinnamon Trust
Thursday 25th April and it was lovely to meet with Caroline and Archie and to walk the last stretch to complete 104 miles for April. Caroline, Archie, Delia and TTT - what a team!! TTT was also awarded his all-important Cinnamon badge which he is very excited about and will join the others on his pouch.
Thank you to everyone who has donated to our walk - a very worthy charity to raise funds for.
It is still on the chilly side but it is so lovely to see the house martins and swallows returning for the summer. Whilst walking alongside the river the other day they were darting up and down feeding on the insects above the water after their long journey - such a welcome sight.
Thank you to all at Cinnamon for the important work you do.
Wishing everyone well and enjoy the summer.
Delia and TTT
Updated on Fri, April 26 2024, 1:26 PM
Catch-up diary entry: No.3
Friday 12th April 2024 will surely go down in my walk diary as 'NOT RAINING this morning, in fact...it is sunny and there is blue sky!! ☺️ It actually feels spring-like as I had to take my jacket off because I was too hot. TTT was very happy not to be hidden from view behind the raincoat as well!
We decided to have a leisurely walk around one of our usual circuits as once off the main road, it is so pleasant to look around the variety of fields, though many are still water-logged and creating problems for farmers wanting to plant crops; small areas of woodland beside the river which is still in full-flow, and seeing the bluebells gradually adding their splash of colour to the green, white and yellow of other wild flowers.
Also, I noticed a family of young Robins out and about learning to find food in the bushes and being watched by their parent birds. Amazing how they have managed to successfully rear a family considering the weather we have been experiencing.
83 miles completed now (16th April) and this morning was lovely for walking. Breezy and sunny with the clouds scudding briskly across the blue sky. There were a few black clouds but we escaped anything they might have thought about dropping to earth!
Just 17 more miles to go so all being well I will be letting you know it is Mission Complete (weather permitting!) very soon.
TT and I are hoping to meet Caroline on the 25th and it feels very appropriate that we both walk the last 5 miles together for Cinnamon! Let's hope we might be fortunate enough to have a sunny day.
Will be in touch
Delia & TTT
Updated on Wed, April 17 2024, 4:10 PM
Catch-up diary entry: No.2
We managed to walk 8 miles this morning (8th) without getting wet ☺️.
Next 10-mile walk on the 10th - not so good! - but at least now we are just over halfway - 54 miles.
Whilst sitting in a small village Church yard the other day, I looked at the clock on the tower and whilst observing the clean shiny minute hand moving so slowly, it suddenly made me think of life and how, for nearly 80 years, the minutes have moved me from childhood, into adulthood and now into old age. I wondered - where had these 80 years gone?!
I'm not a mathematician, but I wondered how many minutes have ticked away during my (nearly) 80 years! Mmmm, interesting!
Perhaps that is something for you to work out!!?
Will try and think of another challenge for you for next time!
Updated on Thu, April 11 2024, 9:19 AM
Catch-up diary entry: No.1
Wow, what a week! Having said that it is no different from the last few months really! Rain, wind, dreary skies etc etc! But we dress up in waterproofs - at least I do, TTT is alright in his pouch on the backpack but he doesn't like it when he can't see where he has been as I cover him up to keep him dry🤡!
On the 1st April, I thought 'Let's just start out with a short, in-between-the-showers-walk and see how it goes'. This we did and managed 6 miles and kept dry. ☺️
2nd April, we did the same thing - and kept dry! ☺️ ☺️
3rd April, we did the same thing - but arrived home very wet. 🌨 Ughh!
It is now 6th and somehow we have managed to clock up 36 miles so not bad considering everything.
So far on our walks, we have seen the wonderful gifts the natural world freely bestows on us in colour and shapes. In a local quiet churchyard the Magnolia shows off her spectacular beauty. Further along the busy main road the Dandelions display their sunny, deep golden yellow flowers in the lush green grass - not forgetting the little white Daisies - intent on cheering us on in this fast, mega-noisy world. A little further along was a short piece of broken branch on the ground, and I picked it up to marvel at the many different colours and patterns of the lichen growing on it. I love the fascinating varieties of lichens all happily growing together creating a collage of quiet, gentle colours.
There is always something to enjoy and appreciate when out walking, even if it is only the time and opportunity to let nature filter through those thoughts and feelings about this troubled world.
We will be back in a few days with the next 'diary' to let you know what we have seen, and how we are progressing.
Delia and TTT
Updated on Tue, April 9 2024, 12:48 PM