Headway East Northants aims to provide a specialist service for people with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). ABI is damage to the brain acquired after birth and usually affects cognitive, physical, emotional, social or independent functioning. Headway East Northants provides information, signposting and support services for the clients, their families and carers. The charity has an Activity Centre offering a range of services including :- Assistance to regain lost skills/acquire new ones, Opportunities to gain support from others, Help to address emotional and social needs, Respite for families and carers Supporting clients towards independence. The charity also provides a community based outreach service working with clients and their families and carers in the community. Our aim is to ensure that we continuously improve, enhance and build the services we offer to give our clients every opportunity to reach their full potential and have a better quality of life.
Headway East Northants
Headway East Northants aims to provide a specialist service for people with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). ABI is damage to the brain acquired after birth and usually affects cognitive, physical, emotional, social or independent functioning. Headway East Northants provides information, signposting and support services for the clients, their families and carers. The charity has an Activity Centre offering a range of services including :- Assistance to regain lost skills/acquire new ones, Opportunities to gain support from others, Help to address emotional and social needs, Respite for families and carers Supporting clients towards independence. The charity also provides a community based outreach service working with clients and their families and carers in the community. Our aim is to ensure that we continuously improve, enhance and build the services we offer to give our clients every opportunity to reach their full potential and have a better quality of life.
£2,347.35 raised by 22 supporters
£2,022.68 donated plus £324.67 in GiftAid