
Aisha Masjid & Islamic Centre (AMIC) is a community hub. A place for education and learning, community services such as Islamic marriages, Muslim funerals, counselling, outreach programmes and more.

Building the House of Allah is a wonderful form of Sadaqah Jariyah (continuing charity) which will benefit us and our loved ones long after we have passed.

“Whoever builds a mosque, desiring thereby Allah’s pleasure, Allah builds for him the like of it in paradise.”

`{`Sahih Bukhari`}`

Alhamdulillah, by the grace of Allah, AMIC is in its final phase of the refurbishment program. This has only been possible with your considerable support enthusiasm and Dua’s for the Project. We request you participate in donating towards this noble cause and take part in this Sadaqah Jariyah. 

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Aisha Masjid & Islamic Centre

Aisha Masjid & Islamic Centre - part of Jamme Masjid Reading. It is a place that is vibrant and inviting, inspiring and transformational. In addition to the dedicated space for the Prayer, it is an Islamic Centre that aspires to provide a community facility which offers modern educational facilities for children & adults including multi-function meeting and conference facilities, a library, funeral, marriage and counselling services.

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