Action For Sport is a charity dedicated to the removal of poverty as a barrier to disadvantaged children and young people participating in sport. We are based in Yorkshire and are proud to support both our local communities and communities all around the UK.
Action For Sport - Pounds Against Poverty from Action For Sport
Action For Sport is a charity dedicated to promoting sport, preventing barriers to sport and to protecting the environment. The charity is dedicated to ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to participate in sport. We are based in Yorkshire and are proud to support both our local communities and communities all around the United Kingdom.
Promoting Sport
The charity aims to encourage people to participate in sport. This should result in a positive impact on their physical and mental health and advance amateur sport and personal development.
Removing Barriers
Action For Sport are determined to prevent poverty being a barrier to children and young people playing sport. Everyone should have the opportunity to participate and poverty should never be a barrier.
Protecting the Environment
The charity is committed to protecting and preserving the environment through the recycling of sporting footwear, clothing and equipment. We ensure that we promote environmentalism throughout all of our projects.
Please support the Action For Sport 'Pounds Against Poverty' campaign to help disadvantaged children in the UK to play sport.
We urgently need your donations to help disadvantaged children and young people to engage in sport. Please donate what you can to our urgent appeal today. A direct debit of just a few pounds a month from you, helps us help a child to enjoy sport.
£8,324.50 raised by 43 supporters
£7,216.00 donated plus £1,108.50 in GiftAid